  • Activist
  • Career Coach
  • Community Development
  • Entrepreneur
  • Human Resources
  • Lawyer
  • Politician
  • Program Manager
  • Non-profit Management
  • Recruiter

For individuals who

Want to build their own major. Are widely interested in interdisciplinary coursework. 

Looking for

A flexible degree that combines elements of multiple different areas to create a unique program. 

To become

  • Career Coach
  • Entrepreneur
  • Human Resources
  • Program Manager
  • Recruiter

Degree Plan proposal

Students seeking the Bachelor of University Studies degree usually begin by visiting the Career and Advising Center and talking with an advisor about their long-range goals and aspirations. The advisor will work with the student in preparing the proposal, which includes, a statement of goals, a summary of previous education and experience, and a plan of study for the degree. After both have signed the proposal, it is forwarded to the Bachelor of University Studies Program Review Committee for approval. If the proposal is approved by the committee, it becomes a set of requirements for graduation. Each plan of study must meet the general education requirements and the graduation requirements of the university. The Bachelor of University Studies degree does not allow a designated major; instead a student will create an area or areas of emphasis that will help them attain post-graduation goals. Each area of emphasis must include a minimum of 12 credits of study with at least six of those being upper division credits. In addition to the emphasis area a student may choose to declare an academic minor that they feel will strengthen their plan of study.

The degree plan must be submitted to the B.U.S. Program Review Committee by guideline due dates (October 1 for spring or summer graduation; February 1 for fall graduation). A minimum of 15 credits must be included in the proposal which are completed following approval by the Committee.

Career Opportunities

Employers have expressed enthusiasm for this degree program. It encourages students to think about the future long before graduation and helps them prepare for the kind of life they hope to lead following graduation. Students completing the B.U.S degree may plan careers in a wide variety of fields. Graduates work in health care, government, business, banking, sales, social work, publishing, and the military. Others have used their course work to prepare for further education and have attended medical school, PT school, OT school, law school and seminary, in addition to graduate school. If one can identify a career, one can make plans to achieve that goal.

For information, contact Jessica Bauer, Assistant Director, Student Success Initiatives, Career and Advising Center, 306 Ceres Hall, 701-231-6313 or email: jessica.m.bauer@365dafa6.com.